Management & Leadership

Training Course: Leadership Skills Development Program Shows you how to Evaluate and Develop Leadership Skills

REF: M9350

DATES: 17 - 28 Mar 2025

VENUE: Singapore -

FEE: 8250 €

Program Overview

In this program you will learn about...

Leadership skills are among the hardest to assess or measure objectively. Typically, senior executives will trust their own instincts when judging leadership ability - making it difficult to implement a company-wide program of training and improvement.
This program covers the methodology for

  1. determining which competencies are required for leadership success
  2. measuring the performance of the company's employees
  3. need to develop leadership skills at all levels
  4. development of improvement plans for leadership skills.

Program Content

  1. Practical Issues (Leadership)
  2. Industry Standard Terminology
  3. Industry Methodologies, Standards Best Practices
  4. Quality Assurance TQM Issues
  5. A definitive measure of leadership skills and ability in your organization.
  6. The main inhibitors to leadership development.
  7. How to identify the competencies most vital to the leaders in your company?
  8. How to develop the right leadership model for the needs of your firm?
  9. The step-by-step approach to developing a leadership performance profile?
  10. How to administer profiles and seek feedback?
  11. The rules for analyzing the profile data.
  12. How to use and communicate leadership skills data?
  13. How to turn the analysis into an annual company leadership assessment?
  14. How to use the assessment data to build a leadership skills training program tailored to the needs of your company?
  15. Planning Issues
  16. Tools and Technology Issues
  17. Information Technology Issues
  18. Implementing Improvements