Health, Safety & Security

Training Course: Industrial Security Training for Security Supervisors & Managers

REF: S9452

DATES: 1 - 12 Jul 2024

VENUE: Singapore -

FEE: 5500 €

Program Overview

In this program you will learn about...

  1. Fundamental Understanding of the Professional Issues.
    1. The Related Technology and Technical Issues
    2. The Management Issues
    3. The Work Processes
    4. Professional Standards
    5. Related Quality Assurance Methodology
  2. Aligning your Departmental, Process and Personal  Objectives with Organizational Mission, Vision, Strategic Objectives, Quality Policies and Requirements.
  3. Specific Areas where you, your section, your department or your organization can take a Leadership Role.

Program Content

  1. Understanding the Policy
  2. Regulations
  3. Bigger Picture of the Key Issues Involved
  4. Management & Security Practices for Industrial Environment that lead to

greater security, continuity of operations, Loss Prevention and Customer Focus your organization.

  1. Systems and Practices that ensure Internal and External Customer Satisfaction and Exceeding User Expectations.
  2. Detailed step-by-step procedures to set up Security management practices including: Policy, Procedures, Work Instructions, Management Controls, Feedback and Continuous Improvement.
  3. How to conduct Industrial Security Audits and Report Findings and Recommendations.