CAD, Digitization

Training Course: Diploma in Management of Documentation Systems

REF: D9033

DATES: 30 Dec - 10 Jan 2024

VENUE: Singapore -

FEE: 8250 €

Program Overview

In this program you will learn about...
In this program you will learn about...

  1. Fundamental Understanding of the Professional Issues.
    1. The Related Technology and Technical Issues
    2. The Management Issues
    3. The Work Processes
    4. Professional Standards
    5. Related Quality Assurance Methodology
  2. Aligning your Departmental, Process and Personal  Objectives with Organizational Mission, Vision, Strategic Objectives, Quality Policies and Requirements.
  3. Specific Areas where you, your section, your department or your organization can take a Leadership Role.

Program Content

This comprehensive diploma program covers the Technology, Quality Assurance, TQM and Management of your Organization’s Document Management System (both manual and computer based).
You graduate as a fully empowered Documentation Professional.
If you are new to Documentation Systems this program helps you become efficient and productive very quickly. If you are an experienced documentation professional this program will introduce you to the Good and Best Practices in Documentation Management and make you familiar with the new documentation technologies and methodologies.