Training, Human Resources

Training Course: Creating World Class Training Centers

REF: T9163

DATES: 19 - 2025 May 2025

VENUE: Singapore -

FEE: 8250 €

Program Overview

In this program you will learn about...
World Class organizations need World Class Internal Training Facilities. And, huge business opportunity exists for Skill Training for 21st Century - the Knowledge Century.
The most effective and cost effective solution to develop the skills your organization will need to become world class must come from internal training capabilities. Leveraging the existing competencies and creating knowledge management system to collect technologies/methodologies of external origin is a core objective of this program.
This program introduces you to the issues, methods and successful management in the quest to create/convert new/existing Training Centers into world class.
Each participant will take away an individualized action plan for his organization or training center.

Program Content

  1. 2030 Vision
  2. Opportunities
  3. Organizational Strategy
  4. Employee Aspirations
  5. Knowledge Management
  6. Creating Learning Organizations
  7. Strategies for Internal Instructor Development and Motivation
  8. QA System for Training Centre
  9. Customer/Supplier/Industry/ Government Involvement
  10. External Faculty Strategies
  11. 5/10 Year Strategic Plans
  12. eEnabling Strategies
  13. Performance Evaluation Strategies
  14. Extended Campus Strategies
  15. Program Recommendations
  16. Participant’s Individualized Action Plan