Management & Leadership

Training Course: Communication, Coordination & Leadership

REF: M1060

DATES: 25 - 29 May 2025

VENUE: Casablanca (Morocco) -

FEE: 3700 €

The Course

It has been said that all business is a conversation, and that it is the ability of people at all levels in an organisation to create and maintain a rich conversation with each other and with other businesses that ultimately creates business success. That "conversation" relies on excellent communication skills. The best and most charismatic leaders are abundantly skilled communicators, able to coordinate and lead their teams because they create an environment in which others genuinely want to work. The best and most skilled coordinators are able to manage time, people and priorities, influence at all levels, and still display a sense of leadership which makes others want to follow them.

The Goals

By the end of the programme delegates will:

  • Have raised their self-awareness to understand their strengths and skills gaps as leaders and coordinators
  • Have learnt practical ways of addressing their skills gaps
  • Understand the subjective experience of others and how to respond to it
  • Be able to demonstrate advanced communication skills, both verbally and non-verbally
  • Be able to coordinate people, events and projects with confidence
  • Be able to manage time and teams effectively
  • Understand what motivates people at work and how to increase their motivation
  • Be aware of the latest leadership theories and their practical application in the workplace


The Process

Throughout the course, we use accelerated learning techniques to aid learning and foster recall. Our methodology incorporates forums, business games, small group activities, reflective periods, facilitated plenary discussions and presentations. The focus is very much on experiential learning - by engaging all their senses, delegates are able to learn more effectively. Everything the delegates learn will be based on proven principles and leading edge theories drawn from a range of disciplines, including psychology, management and leadership best practice, NLP, anthropology and linguistics. Many of the activities will allow delegates to share their real working experiences and thus learn from each other.

The Benefits

Delegates will develop enriched communication skills which they can use both in their working and personal lives. They will understand at a deep level the need for and practical skills of, the effective coordinator and charismatic leader.

The Results

Tradition has it that leadership comes from hierarchical position. In reality, leadership is more a reflection of mindset, and natural leaders will emerge at all levels of an organisation. Delegates returning from this course will have developed an understanding of the mindset of the effective leader and learnt practical techniques to develop their coordination and leadership skills back in the workplace. Effective leadership and coordination boosts workplace morale and spawns productivity. Whether or not the delegates are considered "leaders" within their organisational hierarchy, their ability to coordinate events, people and projects will have significant impact on the productivity both of the delegates and of their teams.

The Core Competencies

  • Enhanced communication skills for leadership and influence
  • Coordination skills - time, people and projects
  • Understanding and application of emotional intelligence in leadership
  • Motivating others
  • Personal impact and influence

The Programme Content


Day One

Who do you think you are?

  • Self-awareness
  • Personal profiling
  • Assessing your current leadership style
  • Assessing your abilities as a coordinator
  • Your preferred team role
  • Your own communication style

Day Two

Enriching Your Communication Skills

  • Subjective experience and communication
  • Advanced language patterns for influence
  • Questioning and listening skillfully
  • Motivation and behavioural drivers
    • Hygiene factors and motivators
    • Glasser's innate drivers
    • Filters of experience
  • The emotional loop

Day Three

The Skills of the Coordinator

  • Time management
  • Prioritisation
  • Teamworking skills
  • Essentials of project management
  • Meeting management
  • Effective use of IT to support coordination activities

Day Four

The Modern Leader

  • The 10 intelligences
  • Exploring emotional intelligence
  • Emotional intelligence and leadership
  • Theory X and Theory Y - push and pull leadership
  • Values and leadership
  • The culture of your organisation

Day Five

Communicating, Coordinating and Leading

  • What do people say about your team - and what do you want them to say?
  • Key challenges for your team and how to meet them
  • Case study - communicating, coordinating and leading in practice
  • Personal action planning