Management & Leadership

Training Course: Business Process Reengineering

REF: M1003

DATES: 16 Sep - 4 Oct 2024

VENUE: Singapore -

FEE: 8250 €

Business Process Reengineering

Workshop Overview

This is a step-by-step approach  for BPR Implementation in your Department or Organization. This is a unique program providing very useful analysis and improvement skills for Organization/Department Reorganization.

The program covers three distinctly different management approaches to change.

These are:

  • Process Improvement,
  • Process Redesign and
  • Process Re-engineering. 

Need for this program arises from the growing need to meet customer expectations better than our competitors. The steady improvement of products and services - though an important methodology -  is no longer sufficient to survive in the global market-place. The need may be for a radical change in the way we work and  Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) methodology can help organizations decide if such a approach is necessary and how to make that change.

The growth of BPR has been so rapid and experience so diverse that there is confusion as to what the term covers - this program clarifies the terms. In reality, BPR is the common-sense result of management making use of the new tools of information and other technologies.


  1. What is Reengineering Really?
  2. Why does my Organization Need to BPR?
  3. What will be involved in its Implementation for my Organization?
  4. The Four Truths: It’s Process-Centric, It’s Redesign-Ruled, It’s Radical, It’s Dramatic.
  5. Different Reengineering Approaches.
  6. Why Must you Reengineer Today? Typical Reasons.
  7. Reengineering Vs Rightsizing, Restructuring, TQM, Automation
  8. How Drastic Should Your Reengineering Be?
  9. REENGINEERING TOOLS: Project Management, Coordination, Modeling, Business Process Analysis Measurement, System Development, Human Resources Analysis Design.
  10. A Self Test Questionnaire For Your Organization: Are You Ready To Reengineer?
  11. A Step-by-Step Methodology for Implementing BPR.

Case Study: Reengineering at a Manufacturer.

  1. Understanding your Organisation in Process Terms. Opportunities for BPR. Critical Success Factors.
  2. How Do You Reengineer For Success? Role of Consultants BPR Tools available.
  3. BPR Implementation : Step-by-Step Approach.
  4. Integrating Technology (including Information Technology) with BPR to produce Business Solutions.
  5. The Top Ten Ways to Fail at Reengineering.
  6. The Stages, Tasks Activities in Reengineering Implementation. Main Stages:
    • Preparation Identification
    • Innovation Vision
    • Process Design
    • Implementation Transformation
    • Assessment
  7. The Misconceptions about Reengineering. The Resistance:  Reengineering doesn’t work. Reengineering is nothing new. Reengineering’s not sufficiently radical. Reengineering’s dangerous and Inhumane. We’re different. We can’t afford it. We’ve been doing it for years. Reengineering’s just another name for downsizing, and downsizing doesn’t work. Reengineering is not for growth. Reengineering is just common sense.

Workshop Outcomes and Take-Away/s

Euro Training is in the business of  providing practical useful training programs. Programs that

  1. Help the participant implement improvements in his organization.
  2. Help the participant gain Multi-discipline understanding of the issues so that he can incorporate the needs and expectations of all his stakeholders/ customers in his improvement proposals and actions.
  3. Help build a knowledge framework in which job related experience can be caught and remembered as his experience.

Typical participant will take away a personalized action plan for himself, his business unit or his organization on how to apply the program contents to improve performance. The action plan may have two components:

  1. A Personal Action Plan
  2. A Business Unit/Organizational Action Plan

Benefits to Organization

Sending participant/s to this program will benefit the organization in the following ways

  1. Quickly makes the participants competent, effective and productive on his job. Useful especially for
    1. Training New employees
    2. Competency Building in Existing Employees Transferred to a New Assignment
    3. Training Prior to a New Project or Initiative Planned in the Organization
  2. Create Competency in the employee to perform his job well. including in relation to
  3. Relevant Technical Knowledge, Skills and Competencies
  4. Organizations' Strategic Objectives
  5. Needs and Expectations of the Stakeholders/ Customers (internal & external)
  6. Good Management Practices
  7. Identifying opportunities to Exceed Stakeholder/ Customer Expectations
  8. Create a pool of trained manpower who can cost-effectively disseminate the knowledge to large number of employees inside the organization. This is made possible by Euro Training's unique easy to understand and use methodology based on Checklist & Quality Assurance Approaches.
  9. Euro Training Instructors often act as mentors for your trained employees. A most effective way to ensure effective competency development and application by your motivated staff. We do have consultants available across Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa (Please inquire about our post program mentoring plans)

Participant Individual Career Benefits

  1. You gain a multi-discipline understanding of the issues. Meaning when you make proposals and decisions on your related job you will keep in mind the needs and expectations of ALL the stakeholders/ customers (internal & external)
  2. The action plan you take away will help you make a difference in your business unit or organization. This difference when added to your resume will make you a prime candidate for career advancement in your own organization or in your next job/s.
  3. Understanding and acting with understanding of the Needs and Expectations of your stakeholders/ customers is known to  to enhance Job Satisfaction and reduce Monday Morning Blues.
  4. As one of your stakeholders/ customers is Executive Management, therefore the program ensures you will know the Strategic Imperatives that Drive the Organization's Efforts in your relevant job area. In the process enabling you to make a leadership contribution.

This Workshop is Intended for…

Those new to the field take away a good multi-discipline understanding of the issues involved in the program works. It helps them become productive quickly and builds in them a knowledge framework that will help identify, understand, classify and remember on the job experiences in his memory.

More experiences participants take-away an individualized action plan as mentioned elsewhere in this technical sheet.

Implementation Teams: This program can be used to train implementation teams where...

  1. a new project or initiative being started in your organization
  2. a new strategic focus is being initiated
  3. just prior to a Consultant being hired to advise the organization.

Each participant will take away a memorable and potentially life changing experience from the program.

No limitations are being placed on who can attend. If you are interested in the Program Outcomes and Takeaways, or, feel you can benefit from the Organizational and Personal Benefits mentioned above - You are Invited to Register for this Program. Program Instructors have the knowledge, experience and access to resources required to customize the program to the specific job related needs of each program group.

Language of  Instruction

Unless otherwise stated the program instruction is in Standard Day-to-Day English. Participants can request the instructor to provide a program vocabulary which will ensure they have no problem understanding the content.

Other language versions are being developed by our consultants and regional partners including program in French, German, Spanish and Arabic. Please do contact us for your specific language needs.

Registration Recommendations

Team Nominations: Since the program aims to ensure the participants have his individualized improvement plan at the end of the program, and foreseeing the effort involved, anticipating resistance and implementation requirements it is recommended that the organization nominate at least two participants together (three will be more desirable to allow for attrition) for this program.

It is anticipated that these 2 or more participants will work together as a team or provide mutual support in order to implement the action plan.

Single nominations will also be accepted for the program. Single nominations are typically used  to:-

  1. Develop personnel skills in Critical Skills and Methodologies covered in this program.
  2. Audit this program for deciding its content and methodology's effectiveness in meeting your organizational needs
  3. Train individuals for Leadership Roles in Business unit or department. Here this program will help the participant coach and lead his team in these Critical Skills and Methodologies. (Program does not typically cover coaching skills but provides the related technical  understanding in an easy to communicate manner. )


Workshop Objective

The Aim of Program are to assist your organisation and its management with the implementation of BPR and provide an easy step-by-step guide to BPR Implementation process:-

  • Understanding the Concept
  • Setting the Direction
  • Selecting the People
  • Defining “How to go about it?”
  • Wiping the Slate Clean
  • Putting BPR into Practice
  • Continuous improvement
  • Understanding the Implementation Requirements and usual barriers to success.

Differences between Improvement, Redesign and Re-engineering:

Process redesign is a natural evolution of TQM. It uses many of the traditional techniques of Organisation and Method (O M) and Work Study. It differs from earlier approaches in its degree of customer focus and its use of the opportunities available from the development of information technology.

Business Process Re-engineering: Is defined as a ‘fundamental rethink and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service and speed.

The approach is based on the premise that continuous incremental improvement is not capable of meeting the challenge of the global market-place. To succeed, companies need major breakthroughs in performance and to leapfrog their competitors. BPR aims for dramatic improvements, not small steps to achieve slow and steady progress. Rather than 10 percent improvements, BPR expects to cut product development cycles by 50 per cent, to cut order to delivery times from a month to one day and take 60 percent to 80 percent out of costs, while at the same time improving service levels. That is dramatic change.

The Benefits of Implementing this Program Approach

The potential benefits of  are enormous. They are not easy to achieve, but there is substantial evidence that it can be effective.

  1. Re-engineering At An Insurance Company:-
  • Administration costs down by 40 percent
  • Staff turnover down by 58 percent
  • Claims settlements down by 5 percent
  • New business applications up by 20 percent
  • Claims handling time down from 28 days to four days
  • Customer call-backs down 80 percent
  1. In the manufacturing arena equally dramatic results have been achieved:-
  • Order cycle time down from 33 days to three days
  • Product development time reduced from 48 months to 10 months
  • Productivity increased by 60 per cent
  • These claims are so great that it would be folly to ignore them.