Training, Human Resources

Training Course: Building a Knowledgebase to Support your Organization's Internal Training Needs (Including Building your Training Support Library)

REF: T9190

DATES: 9 - 13 Feb 2025

VENUE: Muscat (Oman) -

FEE: 3700 €

Program Overview

In this program you will learn about...
In this program you will learn about how to setup a Knowledge Management System that Supports your HR Developmental Strategic Plans.

Program Content

We are heading towards a Knowledge Economy - if we are not already there.
Knowing what is "knowledge" for your organization and building effective systems for collecting and making the information available to those who need it -  are some of the important objectives of this program.
This program is designed to help organizations build knowledgebase's to support their HR development business processes. In this program the focus is on Building a Knowledgebase to Support your Organization's Internal Training Needs including for Coaching.