Contract & Procurement

Training Course: Advanced Value Engineering Methods and Step-by-Step Implementation Concepts, Skills, Methods & Motivation

REF: P9405

DATES: 22 Sep - 3 Oct 2024

VENUE: Amman (Jordan) - Vip Business Center

FEE: 3700 €

Program Overview

In this program you will learn about...
Program Includes: Understanding Value and Costs. Step-by-Step Methodology, Contractual Arrangements, Benefit Sharing, Opportunities Identification and Building a Knowledge Base to Support Value Engineering Initiatives. Incorporating Engineering Value Analysis Methodology.

Program Content

  • The Value Engineering (VE) Concept
  • "What is Value for your Organization"
    • Key Strategic Initiatives
    • Internal & External Customer Expectations
  • Understanding Costs and Prices
  • Value Engineering Step-by-Step Methodology that overcomes the Multi-Discipline Roadblocks to Value Engineering, including...
    • Management Commitment
    • Team Selection, Working & Empowerment
    • Identifying the Widest Range of Improvement Opportunities
    • Short-listing, Analysis, Recommendations and Management Approval
    • Implementing VE Opportunity as a Project
    • Objectively Measuring Success
    • Celebration and Getting Ready for the Next VE Initiative
  • Value Engineering Domain Knowledge
    • Management
    • Process
    • Technical
  • Value Engineering Issues in Various Situations (Some of following Case Studies will be discussed)
    • Project Selection
    • Project Conceptualization
    • Feasibility Study
    • Preliminary Design
    • Detailed Design
    • Construction and Implementation
    • Operation Phase
    • Maintenance
  • Motivational Issues for Successful Value Engineering Initiatives. Motivating for Value Engineering - Case Studies we will choose from...
    • Employees
    • Designers
    • Contractors
    • Service Providers
    • Out Sourcing Partners
    • Joint Venture Partners
    • Distributors
    • Retailers
  • Contractual Conditions in Contracts to Promote Value Engineering
  • Some Pro-Active Value Engineering Projects to Implement
  • Building Value Engineering Enabling Knowledge Bases
  • Workshop & Action Plan: Value Engineering Implementation Strategy for your Organization/Department.