Management & Leadership

Training Course: Administrative creativity in organization, planning and coordination

REF: M15022

DATES: 11 - 22 Aug 2024

VENUE: Manama (Bahrain) - Crowne Plaza

FEE: 3700 €


In light of the rapid changes in the world and the emergence of the phenomenon of globalization and the unity of competition produced by the GATT, the managers of Arab organizations must prepare themselves for this change through administrative innovation in planning, for high achievement and outstanding performance.

Modern entries in administrative innovation:

  • Total Quality Management.
  • Quality rings.
  • Empowering employees.
  • Strategic management.
  • Comparative measurement of the best.
  • Management Engineering.
  • The balanced measurement card.
  • Six Sigma S.S.
  • Applied Lab in Administrative Creativity.

Recent trends in the planning:

  • Definition of planning.
  • Benefits of planning.
  • The distinction between tactics and strategy.
  • Management by objectives and elements.
  • Planning steps.
  • SWAT analysis.
  • Modern methods of follow-up (Follow-up by exception - Follow-up to results - Invisible follow-up.

Creativity in planning and follow-up:

  • The bilateral link between planning and follow-up in modern times.
  • The role of creativity in planning and follow-up.
  • Skills to solve business problems creatively.
  • Basic skills to complete effective planning.
  • Methods of transforming creative ideas into organizational plans.

Organization of facilities:

  • Organization and management functions.
  • Elements of the Six Organization.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of personalization in work and the distinction between power and power.
  • Human resources in organization.
  • Theory of organization.
  • Organizational Relationships.
  • Characteristics of good organization.
  • Types of organization.
  • (Regulatory tools) policy documents - organizational charts - organization guides - reports – records.
  • Authority and responsibility.
  • Sources and authority types.
  • Control of power.

Mandate as one of the ruling elements in the organization:

  • What is the mandate?
  • Why managers are not authorized.
  • Terms of Delegation.
  • Authorization limits and degrees.
  • Reasons for delegation failure.


  • What is the importance of coordination?
  • Centralization and decentralization.
  • Coordination and task forces.
  • Traditional methods for solving coordination problems.
  • Innovative methods for solving problems of forgetfulness.

Administrative creativity in the organization:

  • Creative organizations.
  • Evaluation model of creative organizations.
  • Creative organizational culture.
  • Project Management Organizational Creativity.
  • Organizational Creativity Requirements.
  • Organizational variables that facilitate creativity.
  • Stages of the creative process of the organization.
  • Organizational patterns according to creativity.
  • Evolution of interest in real creativity.
  • Organizational barriers to creativity.
  • Organizational climate and creativity.
  • Organizational Creativity Lab.

Change management and organizational development:  

  • Change Management - Concept - Dimensions - Importance - Approaches, methods, application skills and organizational culture modification.
  • Methods of dealing with change resistors.
  • Organizational Development.